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EADDAT Tier 1 - Aware

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The Environments for Ageing and Dementia Design Assessment Tool (EADDAT) is a valuable resource for influencers of the built environment, health and social care practitioners and individuals supporting a loved one with dementia. It can be used for existing, new-build and refurbishment projects across a range of settings; including the home, cafes, restaurants, care homes, day care centres, hospitals and faith buildings. 

This independent evidence-based tool and assessment methodology ensures each project achieves the highest possible standards in ageing and dementia design, suitable for the level of intervention possible within the scope of the project. 

EADDAT Tier 1 (Aware) is the introductory level of the tool, which comprises of six ‘Fundamentals’ to designing for ageing and dementia, including: 

1: promote ability
2: maintain independence and identity 
3: enable care for carers 
4: be familiar 
5: maintain interactions with others 
6: accommodating preferences

Detailed explanation of each fundamental is provided along with the ‘Design Fundamentals Checklist’.


IBSN: 978 1 908063-37-3

Edition: 1st

Pages: 70

Publication: 2022